Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Locking wheel bolts | Products | Auto Express

Locking wheel bolts | Products | Auto Express: "

Locking Wheel Bolts

Stylish alloys can attract the wrong kind of attention - so which of these locking wheel bolts will keep thieves at bay?

June 2005

Stealing alloy wheels is big business. Even Formula One boss Bernie Ecclestone is not immune - thieves recently relieved him of two wheels and tyres from his ΂£70,000 Mercedes CLS55 AMG.

But the expense does not end with replacing the rims and rubber. Often, the vehicle is dropped on the ground once the wheels have been taken, damaging brakes, exhaust, engine, gearbox, suspension and bodywork.

With the cost totted up, insurers will often write off otherwise usable cars - which of course means loss of your no-claims discount. Your wheels and tyres may not be worth a Bernie-like ΂£5,000 a corner, but they are still valuable, so it is worth protecting your motor with a set of bolts.


The number of non-secure security products continues to amaze us. And as long as drivers insist on buying the cheapest, nothing changes - meaning there are rich pickings to be had for the thieves.
However, the Evo MKV will give most criminals a headache - and McGard's Ultra turns it into a migraine. Both are expensive here, but it's money well spent for peace of mind.

Top 3

  1. McGard Ultra
  2. Evo MKV Trilock
  3. McGard Standard

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